Source code published

May 05, 2018

The source code of the project is now published on Github under an MIT license.

We can distinguish 2 projects, “nerf0” and “nerf11

The brief summary of which project to refer to is:

Nerf 0:

  • Static Analysis (first steps)
  • mini-interpreter
  • Alternative Clef, in which a note Replace may replace a given node with one that can be constructed from an arbitrary history (not just a history that’s the result of extending the given history) – this approach also has consequences on how undo may be modelled.
  • merging (“weaving”) of 2 histories (first steps only)

Nerf 1:

  • the most up to date Clef.
  • work on visualising modifications in a more human friendly way

Nerf1 was created by “scavenging” code from nerf0; The primary goal: to adhere much more closely to the Clef that is presented in the paper “Clef Design”, as presented on ELS ‘18. (In fact, the Clef in this project differs from the presented Clef in one important way: Insert & Delete take a single note, rather than a score, as an argument) This is the program that was used in the demo for the presentation at ELS.

Both projects should be seen as sketches, as bases for experiments, more so than as a finished product that is in any sense ready for production.

  1. “nerf”, the Dutch word for wood grain, is yet another metaphore of how the mechanism of growth has a direct effect on the grown product.